Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Meeting Addison

Jordan and I got to see the Mercer's this last weekend. They flew in from Colorado for the weekend so we decided to make a quick trip to St. Cloud to visit them. It is so fun watching Jordan interact with another toddler. Both Addie and Jordan didn't know what to think at first, but eventually they both warmed up to one another.

Who are you? (Both of them were thinking this)

Want my football?

I think I like you!

We're Friends

On The Move!

Jordan is a moving machine theses days! About two weeks ago I left him by the blue car in this picture with his puppy and went to get his bath stuff together. A minute later I returned to find him in his closet trying to get his baseball- literally a minute! Matt and I are now realizing we have to keep an eye on him at all times!

He looks so innocent! He loves his puppy!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Today Jordan finally figured out sitting! He'd been close to sitting before, but always seemed too fidgety and wanted to be moving around rather than sitting. But today it finally clicked - he sat for quite awhile looking at and playing with his toys, as you can see in the pictures.

Jordan is also feeling almost 100% again - last week, he got fairly sick and ended up having croup. Sleep has been rather erratic around the Anderson household this past week, but Jordan has slept through the night the past two nights and seems to be back to his old, playful self!