Friday, August 31, 2007

Fun at the Fair

Jordan became a true Minnesotan by attending his first State Fair on Monday. While he didn't get to enjoy the cheese curds and Sweet Martha's cookies like Mom and Dad did, he had a lot of fun seeing the farm animals and the bright lights of the Midway. By the end of the night, he was completely wiped out from all the excitement.

Jordan also had his six month checkup today. He weighed in at exactly 16 pounds, which keeps him on the lean side of things (25th percentile). However, he continues to grow like a weed, measuring in at 28 inches long, which puts him around the 95th percentile for length! What a big boy!

1 comment:

Kass said...

yay, fair time! looks like you had a blast! You are a very cultured young'll have to teach Addie the MN way of life when we come out :)